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Link to JSH-Online from your website

If you would like to link to from your website, it is preferable to include one of the two paragraphs of text below with the link, rather than posting a link that includes only the URL. If a paragraph of text with a link is not appropriate for your site, a simple URL link is adequate. Here are two options of coded text with the URL which are available to you:

The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Online — The Christian Science Publishing Society presents a whole new way of studying, searching, sharing, and subscribing to the Christian Science religious magazines—and all on one, easy-to-use website called!

Copy and paste the code below into the code of your site to produce the text and link as shown above.

The Christian Science Journal, Sentinel, and Herald Online — The Christian Science religious magazines have never been more accessible to subscribers. Now you can read them from your computer, tablet, smartphone, or any device with an Internet connection. Visit

Copy and paste the code below into the code of your site to produce the text and link as shown above.


The JSH-Online logo is provided for you below. While the logo can be made “clickable” and posted by itself, it is preferable to include a paragraph of text with the logo whenever possible. See examples of coded text above.

Copy and paste the code below into the code of your site to have the logo appear as shown above. Using this code will ensure that you always have the most up-to-date logo, since it loads into your page directly from our server. You can also right click on the logo above to download it and place it on your server.

De missie van de Heraut

In 1903 stichtte Mary Baker Eddy De Christian Science Heraut, met het doel: “de universele werkzaamheid en beschikbaarheid van Waarheid te verkondigen” (My 353:14). De definitie van ‘heraut’ in een woordenboek: “voorloper – een boodschapper die vooruit is gestuurd om bekend te maken wat er gaat komen”, geeft een speciale betekenis aan de naam Heraut en wijst ons bovendien op onze plicht – de plicht van ieder van ons – om te zorgen dat onze Herauten hun taak vervullen, een taak die onafscheidelijk is van de Christus en werd aangekondigd door Jezus met de woorden: “Ga heen in heel de wereld, predik het Evangelie aan alle schepselen” (Markus 16:15).

Mary Sands Lee, Christian Science Sentinel, July 7, 1956

Lees meer over de Heraut en zijn missie.